For over 50 years nols has been the leader in outdoor education. As a Nols alum I was beyond ecstatic for the chance to work with a company that changed my life. So when we at GrandArmy were asked to create testimonials we felt testimonials we're selling them short, not giving the brand justice. We wanted to tell their bigger story. Everyone knows that the journey is more often defined by the valley than the peaks we reach. So we asked alumni what their lowest, most challenging moments were during NOLS. We brought their stories to life to show how NOLS teaches people that they are capable of overcoming almost anything.
2017 GrandArmy
Role: Creative direction, Art direction, Design, copywriting, Illustration, Animation, Type design
Major co-conspirators: Tim Mele, Damian Riddell, Eddie Song, Marcin Zeglinski
Music / Sound Design: Antfood